Donate and make a difference!
Trees are important beyond their beauty. They significantly enhance the health and the quality of life of people living nearby. They are also an essential part of the City's "green infrastructure." Trees are important for managing stormwater runoff, preventing flooding, mitigating hotter temperatures in urban areas, and reducing pollution.
It costs between $250 and $300 to plant and maintain a tree during the critical first couple of years as it establishes itself. However, over its lifetime, a tree returns many times that value. Trees are a good investment!
In its brief 9 year history, the ACFT has planted 3,000 trees and given away another 14,000.
If you are interested in an enhanced level of support, please consider joining our Live Oak Circle (a $1,000 or more in annual giving),
Ways to donate:
Online through Neon
By Mail: please make your check out to "Alliance for Cape Fear Trees" and mail to 7 Beauregard Dr., Suite 2, Wilmington NC 28412 (please write "donation" in the memo line)
Via a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from your traditional IRA or Donor Advised Fund (Tax ID# 85-2353072)
The Alliance for Cape Fear Trees is a non-profit charitable organization recognized as tax-exempt by the IRS under Section 501(c)(3). Your donation is tax-deductible as allowed by law.
A gift in your will or living trust is a simple way to ensure our work continues in the future. No matter the amount your gift will support the health of our urban forest for generations to come. See our simple Bequest Form to let us know your intentions and to recognize your generosity.