Did you know the tree planting season in Wilmington is October to February (and not in the spring)?
Our mild winter months give newly planted trees a 2-3 month head start in establishing roots so they can better survive our hot summers!
How to Plant a Tree
Take care to break up the root ball. Trees raised in containers are prone to "root girdling," and this can become a problem later on.
The Cape Fear area's soil is very sandy and water easily passes through it. Properly applying mulch (and later watering) is crucial to keeping your tree alive in our area.
Keep weeds and grass away from the base of your tree. Not only do they compete for water and nutrients, but the base of the tree might get weed-wacked, which is very damaging to your new tree.
Most of the trees the ACFT gives away are containerized, meaning they are planted in a bucket-type container.
To learn how to plant a tree, watch the brief video below and read the Arbor Day Foundation's step-by-step instructions.
How to Water Trees
This video excerpt demonstrates how to tell if your tree is thirsty.
This video shows you how to properly water with a hose.